MaryEllen Brigham

Brookhaven, GA, USA

MaryEllen Brigham

Spring in the Isles

6″ x 6″
stained glass, Italian filati and millefiori, slate

Spring in the Isles depicts the fanciful and storied heritage of the British Isles, a mosaic by artist Mary Ellen Brigham. Mary Ellen is known for her detailed modern mosaic glass technique. In this piece, she chose to share her heritage and love of the
Isles through her creation of this quaint and aged country cottage. The roof of the cottage is quite distinctive, utilizing an abundant local natural resource, slate. The importance of the roof is evident in this piece and purposely gives the cottage protection during the region’s harsh winters. The solid structure of brick further supports the slate. In the peek area of the brick is an historic building technique, an Anchor Plate, incorporated during the cottage’s building period to prevent the brick from bowing
outward. The fanciful cottage, landscaped with the bounty of spring flora, brightens the Isles each year. Common flora in the region are azaleas, rhododendrons, wisteria, irises, roses, and boxwoods, all included in this artwork. Mary Ellen’s goal is to share her heritage and bring to life the lush beauty and fertility of the British Isles during the spring.

MaryEllen Brigham