Arturo Costas

San Juan, Puerto Rico

Arturo Costas

Caribbean Waters: Search for my Habitat

6″ x 6″
glass, foam, sand, sea shells & pebbles, glass seed beads, metal wire, stringers

Since 2014 I have been working on mosaics under the direction and coaching of Atelier del Mosaico de
Puerto Rico, headed by Luis Alberto Rivera. Among my preferred subjects and inspiration, marine and
nature topics are recurring ones. “Caribbean Waters: Search for my Habitat” is inspired in the
leatherback sea turtle (Dermochelys coriacea) or “Tinglar”, as known in Spanish. This species of marine
turtle nests on the beaches of the Caribbean, especially in Puerto Rico. It can measure up to 8 feet and
weigh up to 2,000 pounds, making it one of the biggest turtles in the world. Its shell is formed by bony
plaques, covered by tissue like skin, hence its common name “leatherback”. Inhabits deep ocean and
tempered waters, but it must return to tropical waters for its reproduction. This usually occurs between
April and October. The female turtle gets out of the water at night to nest her eggs (approximately 100)
and in a couple of hours returns to the sea. The hatching takes up to 60 days, depending on the sun
temperature. The offsprings emerge out of the eggs and the sand nest. In a period of up to 7 days,
guided by the sound of the waves and the moon’s reflection upon the water, they reach the seashore in
search of their future habitat. This work illustrates the moment when the baby turtles get into the sea,
their natural environment.