Cassandra Krueger

Winona, MN, USA

Cassandra Krueger

Refraction 1710

6″ x 6″
drapery glass, machine rolled opalescent glass, lead, copper foil, zinc, glazing putty

Refraction 1710 is a study on the multi-layered windows of American opalescent glass, made popular by John Lafarge, J&R Lamb studios, Maitland Armstrong and the like. As a practicing restorer/conservationist I enjoy working on past artist’s works that utilize the magnificently challenging drapery glass. Building these topographical windows tests not only a craftsperson’s skill, but their patience. The kaleidoscope of color combinations made possible by changing the layer placement of glass adds an overwhelming amount of options to consider while selecting glass. Not only does color theory have to be considered by the artist, but the opacity and density of each layer have to be taken into account. If one layer of glass is too dense, the layers behind will not be visible and/or make all layers appear black when lit. If one wants an area to be darker, it might not necessarily mean a denser piece. A darker in value but equally transparent piece may be sufficient. If a color shift is needed but without changing density, a transparent piece of flashed glass can be etched away to clear to create a gradient shift. To design and create these amazing windows, an arsenal of skill sets must be utilized by multiple master craftspeople.

Cassandra Krueger