Ramon Martinez

Carolina, Puerto Rico, USA

Ramon Martinez

About Project

Caribbean Waters “Orla”

6″ x 6″
Stained Glass, Wires Metal, Stringer, Beads, Mirror Chards

The name Mahi Mahi comes from the Hawaiian language meaning “Very Strong”, also known as dolphinfish, this might be misleading as they are not related to the dolphin. The Mahi Mahi has a compressed body and very long dorsal fin that star at the head almost to the tail fin. The mature male has a distinctive forehead, it grows as the fish matures and it protrudes well above the body. This hump is sexually dimorphic feature females have rounded heads. They are distinguished by the dazzling colors like blue, green and gold. Out of the water the change color giving rise to the Spanish name “Dorado” meaning Gold. They can live for 5 years females are usually smaller than males. Catches are from 15 to 29 pounds average. They spaw in warm waters currents throughout much of the year and are found in rafts of sargassum weeds. Females can spawn two to three times per year and produce up to 1,000,000 eggs per event. They are carnivorous, feeding on flyfish, crabs and other forage fish. They are fast swimmers and can reach 58mph. Mahi Mahi are highly sought for sport fishing and commercial purposes. Sport Fishermen seek the due to their beauty, size, food quality and healthy Population. They can be found in the Caribbean Sea, on the west coast of north and south America, the Pacific Coast of Costa Rica, Gulf of Mexico and Atlantic Coast of Florida and West Africa and many other places worldwide.

Ramon Martinez